The president of Biosfera expressed his concern about global warming in a note

On February 9, Horacio de Belaustegui, president of the Biosfera foundation, expressed his concern about global warming in a note in the printed edition of the La Plata newspaper El Día.

Starting with the 2020 fires, and reviewing “giant” icebergs, the famous carbon dioxide and human intervention in nature, Horacio makes it clear that, beyond the heated conversations and discussions about climate change, it is time to the action to avoid that “in the next 9 years the catastrophic omens so announced are fulfilled”.

Biosfera has witnessed since the first COP (Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Climate Change Convention), which it has attended as an NGO observer for more than 20 years, and participating in hundreds of conferences and meetings, the increase in concentrations of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere, which, far from decreasing, have been increasing without stopping.

Link to the article in the newspaper El Día: