
  • Creation of a Biodigester (I)

    El objetivo del proyecto es poner en funcionamiento un biodigestor de una huerta orgánica en Etcheverry para poder producir una cantidad importante de gas natural para múltiples usos como, por ejemplo, calentar los invernaderos. En el proceso de fermentación, se produce biogás y un abono orgánico de primera calidad que

  • Zero Waste Ordinance

    Waste 0— The ordinance was approved and the new waste integration plan of La Plata is moving forward. An initiative of the Municipal Council and environmental NGOs. For a first time in history, La Plata’s City Council voted unanimously for the ordinance aiming to establish a new way to manage

  • La Plata Citizen Forum (FOCALP)

    The Fundación joined this forum along with other environmental and common good associations, workers and student organizations, institutions and intermediary bodies. All are committing to build an inclusive city, side by side. The forum’s motto is “a city to enjoy without suffering.” The forum, a nonpartisan group, is not influenced

  • Sampling and Study of Amphibians Populations

    This programme was led by specialists and advanced biology students. In addition to the study of amphibian populations, the Programme aims to inform the community about the different species to help their revaluation, in a mind set of raising environmental awareness. The study was conducted in two horticultural fields located

  • Sustainable City

    In cooperation with other NGOs and citizens of the region, the Fundación Biosfera started this project reversing chaos, hostility and pollution in urban areas. Within the framework of Sustainable City, the Fundación Biosfera organized the festivities of Earth Day 2000 and 2001, Un Día en La Plata sin mi Auto